Help is still needed for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!
We are recruiting incredible teams of parent leaders to help execute the
many programs & events sponsored by Parents in Partnership!
It only takes an hour or two of your time, talents and expertise to make a HUGE impact.
Volunteer Activities Available During Day & Evening Hours!
We are recruiting incredible teams of parent leaders to help execute the
many programs & events sponsored by Parents in Partnership!
It only takes an hour or two of your time, talents and expertise to make a HUGE impact.
Volunteer Activities Available During Day & Evening Hours!
Spirit Wear Committee
Chairs: Maragrita Aguilar PiP Board Point: Committees Director The Spirit Wear Committee works on providing Imagine Dragon gear for students and families all year long! You can volunteer a little or a lot… Ways you can help:
Dragon Dash Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Programs Director The Dragon Dash Family 5K & Fun Run raises funds to support the Teacher Grant and Scholarship programs that PiP awards annually. Ways you can help:
Dragon Bash Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Programs Director The Dragon Bash is an adult-only social event and silent auction that raises funds to support the Teacher Grant and Scholarship programs that PiP awards annually. Ways you can help:
Room Parents & Teacher Appreciation Committee
Chair: Blanca Von Borstel PiP Board Point: Committees Director Room Parents collaborate with the teacher to build stronger family and school partnerships in support of student success. They recruit parent volunteers and promote PiP goals, membership and activities. Room Parents also assist with teacher appreciation to ensure our teachers, staff and administration are appropriately recognized for their efforts with our students. Ways you can help:
Cultural Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Programs Director This committee consists of IIANT parents who appreciate the importance of embracing the cultural differences in our school community and identifies opportunities to educate values and traditions from around the world. Ways you can help:
Spirit Night, Merchant Programs
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Committees Director This committee has the fun task of identifying local restaurants and merchants that share profits from our day-to-day consumer buying with proceeds benefitting PiP programs. Ways you can help:
IIANT Business Networking Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Committees Director This newly-forming committee is charged with building a collaborative and connected community of proud IIANT business owners and parent professionals. It oversees maintaining the IIANT Business Directory, planning networking events, and strives to encourage families to patronize those within our own school community. Ways you can help:
Annual Uniform Consignment Sale
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Treasurer The annual PiP Uniform Consignment Sale is where Imagine parents can sell directly to other Imagine parents - commission free. Ways you can help:
Membership Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Vice President The Membership Committee is charged with managing the annual registration and renewal process for PiP memberships. It also oversees the maintenance of the School Directory. Ways you can help:
Legacy Student Scholarship Committee
Chair: HELP WANTED! PiP Board Point: Committees Director & Treasurer This team serves as the selection committee for the Legacy Student Scholarships. They also actively seek corporate/business sponsorships for the scholarship fund and ways to expand the scope of available scholarships to graduating seniors. Ways you can help:
Volunteer Background Screening Information
PiP volunteers who handle cash, supervise students, or serve as a committee chair or board member must have a background check confirmed each year through IIANT. PiP members (with paid membership for current school year) are offered a paid background check as part of their member benefits. General Package = 1 Paid Background Check Family & Platinum Packages = 2 Paid Background Checks To receive paid application for background check, you must submit the form provided in your PiP Welcome Packet to the IIANT front office. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not a paid member of PiP and you want to volunteer at the school or a PiP-sponsored event, you must complete and submit for a background check form to the front office with a $4.00 processing fee before you can volunteer. |