Earth Day & Spring Family Picnic
10AM - 2PM | Saturday, April 21
Erwin Park | Pecan Grove Shelter | 4300 County Road 1006, McKinney
It’s Spring! There’s no better time of year for a picnic at the park with
friends and classmates from Imagine celebrating Earth Day.
10AM - 2PM | Saturday, April 21
Erwin Park | Pecan Grove Shelter | 4300 County Road 1006, McKinney
It’s Spring! There’s no better time of year for a picnic at the park with
friends and classmates from Imagine celebrating Earth Day.
Parents in Partnership invites you to pack a picnic lunch and bring your blankets, lawn chairs, bikes and scooters (and safety gear, of course), Frisbees, jump ropes or whatever you’d enjoy doing for a fun-filled day at the park.
Here are just a few of the Earth Day activities planned to enjoy with your family: · Community Clean Up Project · Recycling Do’s & Don’ts · Nature Scavenger Hunt · Biking & Hiking Trails · Music & Bounce Houses |
Popsicles & S’mores
Provided by PiP! |